wood joints comb
Finger or comb joint - how to make boxes with wood. summary: finger or comb joints - the finger or comb joint is ideal for box constructions and are suitable for use. Marking out a finger joint this a good example of a ‘finger’ or ‘comb’ joint. this means when a saw is used to cut the joint the surface of the wood. Wood joints choosing a suitable joint for a frame is important as many structure that are manufactured often require a load to be supported. comb finger joint..
Joint joint description; butt joint: the end of a piece of wood is butted against another piece of wood. this is the simplest and weakest joint. of those, there is. Finger or comb joints are similar to dovetails but are not as strong as the y do not lock together. now try these wood joint quizzes. quiz - 1 wood joints.. This a good example of a ‘finger’ or ‘comb’ joint. it is ideal for box constructions and is suitable for use with natural woods such as pine and.